Naughty Business Report (NBRplaza) is a blog about seks. Well, that’s been said. On NBRplaza you will find information about sex, relations, sex toys, science, and a lot more. Also, we publish erotic stories. Read our Manifesto.
If you have any tips, or you just want to complain, please just fill out our contact form below:
About NBRplaza
NBRplaza started in 2004 gestart as a weblog at MSN. In February 2005, the weblog was forced to migrate to Since 2008 we have our own domain name The Editors consist of a chief editor and a number of (guest) bloggers. Marc van Lier, the chief editor, blogs under different aliases on different Dutch and English weblogs.
After almost 15 years of blogging in Dutch, NBRplaza is bilingual since november 2017. You may find that some of the older Dutch blogposts are not (yet) translated into English. We’re working on that.
NBRplaza is a hobby that has gone out of hand. Therefore we try to finance our expenses with a webshop. But if you don’t need any extra sex toys, then you can also donate to support our efforts:
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