Today, the following message was in our inbox:
“It strikes me that men don’t only have different penis sizes, but the size of their balls can also quite differ. Do you know why that is? Could it be that men that masturbate often have smaller balls? Or has that got nothing to do with it?”
It is indeed quite striking that the attention of both men and women is mainly focused on a man’s penis, and not to the entire shebang. The testicles, or testes, or just balls, are literally and figuratively just chilling in a man’s scrotum. To keep the sperm good, the temperature must be little below body temperature. De size of the balls can actually tell you a lot about its owner.
The normal size
At birth, the testicles of a boy are about 1.5 cm (length) by 1 cm (width). By the time a boy hits puberty, his testicles have a volume of about 4 cc. An average grown man’s testicles have grown to to 4 centimeter length by 3 to 5 cm width. The volume has increased to 12.5 to 19 cc. But, when a man becomes older, his testicles will decrease in size.
The testicles are usually different in size. Often, the right one is bigger than the left. Also, one usually hangs a bit lower (often the left one) than the other. That is perfectly normal. The scrotum takes care of controlling the temperature of the testicles. If it is cold, the scrotum shrinks, causing the balls to be nearer to the body (so they will warm up). When it gets warmer, the sack will expand, so the testicles can cool off easier. This is also the reason why the testicles are unprotected by muscles tissue, fat or bones.
In the middle ages some men used to chop off their left ball, because they believed that the right ball produced boys semen and the left girls semen. This way, men hoped to get a son.
The most important task of the testicles is to produce semen and the hormone testosterone. After puberty the testicles produce millions of semen every day. These sperm cells ripe in the epididymis. The semen will be mixed with fluid from the prostate and will be released as sperm during ejaculation. Only 1 to 3% of the ejaculate exists of semen. After ejaculation, the balls will not shrink.
Bigger balls, more semen
Research has shown that men with bigger balls also produce more semen. The balls of men with smaller balls (less than 12 cc) dodn’t function sufficiently. All bio-functions of the balls decreased when the balls were much smaller. In fact, there was even a linear effect. The smaller the balls became, the worse the function of the testicles were.
Bigger balls caused by a lack of sex?
Still it is not true that balls will grow bigger when a man hasn’t had an ejaculation for a while. The testicles produce semen that is held in the epididymis for further maturation. Once the semen is mature, and the man doesn’t ejaculate, they will die and be absorbed in a man’s blood stream. Therefor, it is not the case that if a man never has an ejaculation, that his balls will grow into enormous proportions. On the other hand, his balls will also not shrink if he had an ejaculation. So there must be another explanation.
Bigger balls, more heart conditions
According to research that was conducted in 2013 among 2,800 Italian men, men with bigger testicles have heart conditions more often. These bigger balls are not the cause of these heart issues, however, but a symptom of a life style of these men. Men that are obese, smoke, drink and have a high blood pressure, have bigger balls more often. And these men also usually have less sex.
The research also finds that men with larger testicles have a higher production of testosterone. From other studies we know there is a correlation between high testosterone levels and heart conditions.
Testicle comes from the Latin word Testis, which means witness. Romans held their hands on their balls if they had to testify. Women and eunuchs where not allowed to testify in court, because they had no balls …
Smaller balls, insomnia?
A Danish study showed that there is a correlation between the quality of sleep and the size of a man’s testicles. Nearly a thousand men where queried on their sleeping habits: how long, how often did they wake up, that kind of things. And they measures the size of their testicles and the quality of their semen. The research showed that men with sleeping disorders of insomnia, or men that went to bed late and had a short night, produced up to 29% less semen. On top of that, their testicles were a lot smaller.
If there is a causal relationship (cause and effect) is unsure. It is definitely not true that the men sleep bad just because they had smaller testicles. But what the research did show is that the men with insomnia often also have a very unhealthy life style. They ate more fat food, drank more alcohol and the smoked more often.
Smaller balls, better fathers
Fathers that spend more time with their children, often have smaller balls. That was one of the findings from a study of the Emory University. THey questioned 70 fathers of small children. Both the mother and father were asked about the role of the father. How often did he change diers, how often did he give them a bath, did he go with them to the doctors’ when they were ill? And … they measured the size of the testosterone levels and the size of their balls.
The results show that men that are more involved in the upbringing of the children, have lower testosterone levels and smaller balls. If one is the result of the other is not clear. It is a fact however, that men have a decreased production of testosterone onze they become a father.
The word avocado is derived from the Aztec word for testicle
Testicular cancer
In 2016 testicular cancer was found with 840 Dutch men and in that same year 19 men died of testicular cancer. That seems a low number and that is because testicular cancer is well treatable. Nevertheless it is a form of cancer that can damage one or both testicles. A bumb can appear or the testicle can become bigger. The scrotum can become heavier and the man can experience pain in the stomach and groin. Testicular cancer can occur at all ages, but is most common under men between the ages of 25 and 35. Man can test themselves (preferably once a month). There is also a Dutch App ‘Check your Friends’ that can help you check your balls and that of your friends. Download the App from your smartphone for free in the App Store or Google play.
Smaller balls and alcohol
Small amounts of alcohol can be beneficial for our body. Red wine for example, contains some powerful antioxidants and one or two glasses can boost your creativity. But watch out, because alcohol can do your body a lot of damage. Research on rats showed that alcohol had a huge influence on the size of their. Especially the part that produces semen. The researchers believe that the same occurs on humans. The good news is, that once you stop drinking, the damage will recover.
Had a kick in the nuts?
The scrotum may well be the weakest spot for a man. Even the strongest man can be eliminated by a good kick in the nuts. That is because the balls are hardly protected and because nerve signals will pass on the pain to the stomach, groin and even ears. Fortunately, trauma to the testicles is rare. But a study from 1999 did show that 50% of the men who did suffered something like that, had increased ball size.
A joint may not be so relaxt
The long term effects of smoking marijuana are not mild. It could lead to permanent brain damage. On the other hand, there are also plenty of studies that show positive effects of smoking an occasional joint. Nonetheless, there have been studies that show that smoking weed lowers the testosterone levels and that it will make the testicles shrink (testicular atrophy). Research among Nigerian men, showed that men who often smoke marijuana suffered from shrunken balls, infertility and they even had man boobs, due to the lowered testosterone levels.
On the other hand, once the men stopped with their habit, the effects disappeared within 24 hours to 3 days. The effects are only temporarily.
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