“A woman must be strong. The bigger the better “was Eric Stanton’s motto. And Stanton didn’t mean the strength of a mother carrying laundry baskets, but the kind of strong of luscious, and fleshy Amazons with penises that humiliate men. Gender reversal was a common theme in his work.
“Being small and a little shy as a young man, I liked the idea of big, strong, aggressive women who would use their strength to humiliate me through the struggle,” he once wrote. Stanton was born Ernest Stanzoni Jr in 1926 and died in 1999. He was partially color-blind due to a war wound.
Contemporary and friend of John Willie, Stanton was known as the ‘Rembrandt of pop culture’ and collaborated with other BDSM artists as fetish photographer Irving Klaw. It is also rumored that he helped invent Spider-Man. Steve Ditko, the man behind Spiderman, was a classmate at the Cartonnist & Illustrator School. He would have deliberately underexposed his role so as not to risk his friendship with Ditko. Stanton is also said to have contributed to Dr. Strange, another character from Ditko.
From the 1970s until his death, he mainly worked on BDSM related stories. For example, Blunder Broad was one of the characters he created, which was a sort of parody of Wonder Woman, whose kryptonite was cunnilingus. The heroine was not very good at accomplishing her missions, as a result of which she was tortured time and again by her female and lesbian opponents, with names like Leopard Lady, Pussycat Galore or Cheetah.
A number of his albums can be read online here.
Below you will find some examples of his work

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