There is a big gaping gap between the ease with which men and women get an orgasm; the orgasm gap. You probably know by now that most women can get an orgasm more easily if the clitoris is stimulated. And hopefully you have heard about the G-spot. But there’s more. Do you know the A-spot? Or the O-spot? And the V-spot?
The clitoris

Before we delve into the more hidden erogenous zones, it is first important to consider the clitoris. We now know that the clitoris is not only that little bud that is located at the top – below the hood where labia meet – of the vulva. The clitoris is part of the ‘urethral clitoris complex’. This consists of a number of sponge-like swelling bodies, and an internal and external clitoral body (which together have the shape of a ‘wishbone’) that are connected to each other. Stimulating the clitoris therefore goes further than just stimulating the visible little button (the glans). It reaches into the body, under the labia, around the vagina and towards the pelvis. The clitoris has a total length of approximately 5 centimeters.
You can therefore also simulate the total urethral clitoral complex from within, for example from the vagina and sometimes even through the anus. And it is precisely then that the other ‘hot spots’ also become important.
The G-spot

Much has been written about the G-spot. The G-spot is an area that is actually the back of the internal part of the clitoris. You can find the G-spot on the front of the vagina wall (on the belly side).
Only recently has it been discovered that the G-spot consists of a piece of vaginal wall that is in direct contact with the legs of the clitoris. So it is actually not something that stands on its own.
The G-spot is quite difficult to find. Bring in one or two fingers through the vagina. The G-spot is on the ‘abdominal side’ of the vagina. If you go inside with your fingers and make a ‘come hither’ movement, you may discover a spongy piece of tissue. It is 3 to 5 centimeters in the vagina just behind the pubic bone. With one it is as big as a bean, with the other it is as big as the kernel of a peach. The G-spot feels a bit rougher than the skin around it.
By experimenting with pressure and rhythm you can try to discover what is pleasant for you. Some women experience intense orgasms when their G-spot is stimulated with a lot of pressure. Some even experience a squirting orgasm.
One theory is that the G-spot is connected to the para-urethral glands (or Skene’s glands). These are glands around the exit of the urethra. They are some of the glands that form vaginal fluid in sexual arousal. These glands are sometimes referred to as the female prostate, because they fill with an alkaline-like substance that is squeezed out forcefully during squirting. In theory then. Because science is not entirely sure about that.
The A-spot

The fornix uteri or fornix vaginalis is the area at the end of the vagina around the cervix. The front part is sometimes called fornix anterior, or the A-spot.
You can find it about 8 to 10 centimeters inwards, at the end of the vagina and at the front of the cervix (cervix). To stimulate the A-spot it is useful to use a dildo or G-spot vibrator.
It is possible that the A-spot is also stimulated during penetration (Penis-in-Vagina sex), but with a toy it is easier to aim well and to give exactly the stimulation that you find most comfortable.
Some women also experience an orgasm through anal sex. This may be because then the A-spot is indirectly stimulated. The wall between the rectum and the vagina is thinner than you may think. With deep anal penetration you can indirectly touch the internal part of the clitoris, the G-spot and / or the A-spot. It has never been scientifically proven, but this could be an explanation. All these parts of the female anatomy are very close together and it is therefore very possible that you touch them all at the same time with certain forms of sex.
The O-spot or C-spot

The O-spot (also called the C-spot, from cervix) is also close to the cervix. It’s a bit behind the cervix, in a place that you can’t really reach. But there are some nerve endings that can be hit by the right pressure around the cervix. When done correctly, you can experience some sort of uterine contraction (a cervical orgasm).
In order to stimulate the O-spot, deep penetration is necessary with a finger, dildo or penis. For the G-spot you have to make a ‘come here’ movement towards the abdominal wall, but for the O-spot that has to go 180 degrees the other way (towards the back).
The O-spot can also be affected by deep anal sex, mainly because it is on that side of the cervix.
Many women do not like being rammed against the O-spot. The sensitivity of the cervix is also different in different periods of your cycle. If it hurts, or just doesn’t feel good, stop it. But that of course applies to everything.
The V-spot

The V-spot is perhaps the least known. The ‘V’ stands for Vaginal Vestibule, or ‘the front portal’. Exactly, the opening of the vagina, or the first piece of the vagina. This opening contains thousands of nerve endings and for many women this is a super sensitive area.
The V-spot is also called fourchette. It is that part of the opening on the side of the anus. You can stimulate this part with your tongue, with a toy or with your fingers. Or teasing by rubbing it with the glans of the penis.
The U-spot
By now, it looks like your anatomy consists of all the letters of the alphabet. The U-spot is also less known. Yet there is a good chance that you have (accidentally) stimulated it.

Many women find the area above and next to the urethra very sensitive. We call that area the U-spot (from urethra). The U-spot is part of the entire urethral clitoral system. By stimulating the area of the U-spot, you actually exert pressure on the inner part of the clitoris.
Because this area is so sensitive, many women do not like it if you put great pressure on it. Make sure you moisturize the area and then gently rub against or along it with tongue, fingertip, toy or any other part of your partner’s body.
Every woman is different and what one person likes may be unpleasant for the other. So experiment with what you like. Maybe you can’t find certain ‘spots’, or it doesn’t affect you all that much. That is never a problem. But if it does work, be sure to enjoy it.
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