Most Dutch people are happy with their sex life. That can be concluded from the ‘Dutch Sexual Health 2017’ monitor of Rutgers. Sexual issues are most common with men above 70 and women below 25. The research also confirms that sexual inappropriate behavior happens a lot. Almost everybody agrees that sexual education on schools should be mandatory.
Enjoying sex
92% of the men says they enjoy sex. Among women the group is smaller: 75%. When respondents are unhappy, it is more often due to the quantity and not due to the quality.
How sexual active people are, depends on their age and physical health. Most sexual active is the group 25 to 39 yo.: 85% has had sex with a partner in the last half year. Among 70 plus that was 51%. Of all 70 plus with a partner, 62% has had sex in the last 6 months.
Porn is part of the sex life of most men. In the last 6 months, 71% of the men and 19% of the women watched porn. Watching porn does not hinder most people in having sex with their partner. People that watch porn more often, also have sex with their partner more often.
Sexual inappropriate behavior
Of al women, 22% experienced sexual violence: forced manual, oral, vaginal or anal sex against their will. For men this is 6%. If kissing and sexual touching is taking into account, 53% of women and 19% of men has experienced that once. Five procent of the women and 2% of the men has experienced sexual violence before the age of 12.
Almost half of the men (47%) and over half of women (56%) that have experienced sexual violence, say they have complaints or problems as a result, mostly psychic, sexual or relational problems.
Homo and bisexual men have had experience with sex against their will more often than hetero sexual men:18% versus 6%. Also, in the past year, 25% of the gay and bisexual men and 15% of lesbian and bisexual women have been verbally insulted, because of their sexual orientation.
We’re not doing it safe
At a one night stand, 42% of men and 55% of women do not use a condom, which makes them viable to STDs. Rutgers calls this a concern. The pil is most used contraception (30%), especially with young women.
Of all men and women, 3% had to do with unwanted pregnancy. It is striking that two out of five persons that dealt with unplanned pregnancy, did use contraceptives. Part of those say something went wrong while using them.
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