‘Sex during menstruation: what’s your thoughts?’ This question was at the core of the ‘Big NBRplaza Sex & Menstruation Survey’. More than half of the respondents said to have sex during the period. That also means, however, that one third does not.
About the research
The research was conducted by ourselves. The fieldwork was open for about two weeks. In that During 61 Dutch respondents filled out the questionnaire (30 women and 31 men). This means this is not a representative research, but it does bring some interesting insights.
A good sailor also sails the red sea
To the question whether the respondents had sex during the period of one of the partners in the last 12 months, 54.1% said ‘yes’. A small part (9.8%) indicated that that no-one in the relationship had their period. This was caused by menopause or medical reasons (for instance because of a hysterectomy).
As much as 36.1% of the respondents said they did not have sex during the period. And that is actually a pretty high percentage.
The sexual activities that get performed during the period, differ widely. Most respondents that had sex during the period, had penetrative sex (penis in vagina – fucking). But also manual sex (fingering, jerking off) was popular.
Oral sex and menstruation
Of all female respondents, 12.1% answered that they did enjoy receiving oral sex during their period. But also male respondents indicated that they gave oral sex to their partners during their period. The majority however (72.7%) indicated that they didn’t have oral sex during that 3 to 5 days of their period.
The favorite place to have sex during menstruation
Even during the period, the bed is the favorite place for sex. The shower is the runner up. A quarter of the respondents apparently likes to be able to wash away any menstrual blood during or after the deed.
In order not to make the bed all to dirty, 69.7% uses some kind of coaster (like a towel) against the mess. Less popular are menstrual cups or special soft tampons, that can be worn during menstruation. Those products enable to have sex while you wear them. Only 6.1% of the respondents have used those.
Sex during the period is intimate
One third of the respondents indicated that sex during the period is intimate. More than 1 in 5 even said they believed it was extra exciting. Only a small part said it was gross (12.7%) or even repulsive (5.5%).
Other experiences that were reported, were that it was somewhat ‘messy’ and very ‘impractical’.
Age, preference and religion
It seems that age and religion play a role in the choice of having sex during the period. As age increases, the willingness to have sex during menstruation decreases. For 16 to 25 year olds 60% has sex during periods, and that drops to 50% for 65 year olds and older.
Unfortunately, primarily Christians and non-believers have participated, so we can’t make any well-founded conclusions about all kinds of religions or convictions.But it is striking that Christian respondents have less sex during periods (42.1%) than non-believers (59%). You might conclude from that that believe plays a role in the opinion people have.
Sexual preference doesn’t seem to be a factor. Heteros, bis and lesbian couples have an equal preference for sex during periods.
6 reasons to just have sex during menstruation
- Sex during menstruation is completely normal and safe. If you are afraid of stains in your sheets, just pt a towel under it, or a underlay. Also, you might want to try menstruation cups or special tampons to reduce any mess.
- You might even enjoy it. The estrogen and testosterone levels are lower on day 1, but will increase as of day 3. Many women report to be aroused and more sensitive during those days of their period.
- Orgasms reduce pain levels. You might have less burden from menstrual pains or cramps.
- Don’t assume your partner will think it is gross. Discuss it with your partner, because you might like the answer. For some men the color of your secretion really doesn’t matter.
- You have options. If oral sex doesn’t appeal to you during your period, you might enjoy manual sex. Focus on the clitoris more than on penetration.
- Be protected. Even when you are on your period, there is a chance on pregnancy. Not only the ovulation can overlap, but sperm might live for 3 to 5 days in the vagina. When you are on birth control and you take the pil like you are supposed to, you’re fine. Nevertheless, there is a slightly increased chance on infections. When you don’t know the history of your partner, condoms are always a good idea.
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