When I am asked to test a product, I almost always say ‘yes’ wholeheartedly. The same when EasyToys asked me to review their Intome Cleaner. I always recommend cleaning sex toys thoroughly, and sometimes I even suggest using a random toy cleaner. But I admit I never use these myself. So I was kinda curious what difference the Intome Cleaner makes. Additionally, you can use this cleaner to cleanse yourself. Well, bring it on!
What is Intome Intimate Cleaner Spray?

With this spray, you cannot only clean your sex toys, but also make your most intimate parts clean and fresh. It’s basically a cleaner in a bottle, that is easy to spray and has a nurturing effect to the skin.
But, wait a second! A cleaning product that goes on your toys, and on willies and vayayas too? What goes in there, huh? The box lists all the ingredients, but that doesn’t mean much to the average person, right? That’s why I looked it up for you. This cleaning product is water based. Glycerin is added as a thickener. I know there is a lot of discussion about glycerine in personal lube, because supposedly you could get a yeast infection from that. But since this product isn’t supposed to be used internally, that shouldn’t be much of a problem. Then there are some nourishing ingredients, like aloe vera and vitamin B5. Plus a moisturizer that also helps to fight fungi. And one of the ingredients helps to wash grease off.
The formulation is – as far as I can tell, based on the ingredients list – safe. No ingredients that are suspicious. Check!

There’s not much to unbox here. The Intome products are all packed in a nice box, that seems to have a ‘everything’s-fine- carry-on’ feel about it. They could just as well be on the shelf of every random pharmacy. And I like that.
On the box itself, there is the manual in different languages (including English) and a clear list of ingredients. That is, if your eye sight is rather good, because it is a lot of information for such a tiny surface.
A cap covers the bottle. When you remove the cap, you will see the pump sprayer.
The ‘test drive’
Many toy cleaners are just to clean your dildo, vibrator, or butt plug . The Intome Intimate Cleaner Spay however, can also be used to clean the skin (of your intimate parts).
I would like to emphasize the importance of cleaning your toys correctly. The best way is to spray the cleaner on your toy and skin right after sex. Now wait for a minute to let the cleaner do its work. Then wash it off with water. You might also use a wet cloth. You’re actually using the cleaner as a replacement of soap. You can also use a cleaner with a dry cloth, but then it’s like using dry shampoo; you must use water at some point to wash it thoroughly.
The vaporizer makes it easy to spray the cleaner on the surface you want to clean. Just two or three sprays are enough. Because you use so little, the smal bottle will last for a long time.
I used the spray on a vibrator. After use, it had some residu of lube and ‘bodily fluids’ of me (male) and my partner (female). Normally, I would wash this waterproof vibrator under warm running water. But now I first sprayed on some cleaner. Then I left it to rest for a minute. Meanwhile, I sprayed some on my hands and – cough cough – another part of my body that needed cleaning. By now, it was time to wash the vibrator. And when I was doen with that, I washed my hands (and stuff).
The result was great. The toy and my skin felt nice and fresh. Was it any cleaner than normally? Well, that is hard to say. You know, I couldn’t test to see if there where any residues from dirt or cleaner left.
So, when would you use this spray? Well, for example if you are in a relation and you just want to feel fresh and clean after sex. Or you want to be extra sure that your toy is hygienically clean and beter protected against fungi and bacteria. Or you just want to keep your toy in good shape. Soap and alcohol are bad for the material of most toys, after all. But I can also imagine some situations where it would be great to have a product like this at hand. For example, when you and your partner are swingers, or regularly visit a club. The bottle is small and fits in any pocket or purse. This way you can clean yourself (or any toys) in between partners. Of course, this cleaner is not a contraceptive and will not prevent you from getting an unwanted pregnancy or an STD (duh!).
Do you really need a toy cleaner? No. Most non porous toys (made of glass, metal, silicone, for example) can be cleaned with running water just as well, if it is fully waterproof. Using a cleaner on porous materials (TPE, rubber, jelly) is no good anyhow. The toy cleaner will never enter the tiny holes to kill bacteria and fungi sufficiently.
But in some situations, this cleaner could come in handy. For example when you visit a club, or when you are just too lazy after an intense orgasme to walk to the bathroom, still weak in the knees. You could in that case use the cleaner to fresh yourself and your toy up, go to sleep, and do the proper cleaning the day after. Or when you are just extra careful of your toy.
You see, it’s a bit like these cleaning products they’re trying to sell you in a shoe store. Will your shoes be in better condition? I guess they will. DO you really need them? Mêh. Well, it’s the same with toy cleaners.
But if you must buy a toy cleaner, the Intome Intimate Cleaner Spray is a great purchase. It’s not expensive, there are no suspicious ingredients, and you can make yourself and your toy clean and fresh.
The pros of the Intome Intimate Cleaner Spray:
- Safe ingredients
- Nourishing
- Clean and fresh feel
- Great cleaner for your toys
- Small and convenient and also discrete bottle. Great for on the road
- Not expensive
- Very economic (do keep in mind that these products don’t have an unlimited shelf life)
The cons:
- Do you really need this? really?
The Intome Intimate Cleaner Spray is available at EasyToys, or in the NBRplaza shop.

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