A flogger is a type of whip that consists of a number of strips of leather, suede, rubber or other material. They are most often used in an erotic or BDSM game, to excite or (mildly) punish the other person. Usually, the flogger is used on the back and buttocks, but occasionally on the chest(s) or crotch. However, we are sad to see that the flogger sometimes completely misses its target, both literally and figuratively. That’s why we like to tell you how to best use a flogger.
The most important thing is to realise that you have to divide your energy. Some people who handle a flogger tire themselves out too quickly and are exhausted after only a few minutes. But the trick is to build it up and take the time to let the receiver produce a sufficient amount of endorphins. You can, of course, do your best to make it look nice (as if you were acting in a musical about the Spanish Inquisition), but that does not really help the submissive.
The whole point is that you repeatedly hit a particular spot on the back with the flogger to build up the production of endorphins. The pain then becomes pleasant and even arousing. Then you go to another spot and repeat. And then to another, and so on.
Whatever you do, never hit the place where the kidneys are (about 10-15 centimetres above the buttocks on the side). Also, make sure that the strips of the flogger never go around anyone’s neck, over anyone’s shoulder, or around anyone’s side. If you hit around a corner (also called a ‘wrapper’), the ends of the flogger will accelerate and the pain may be unintentionally too great. Your victim will not appreciate that! And there you stand as a powerful dominant gentleman or lady and all you can say is “oops, sorry about that”. Epic fail. You have suddenly been demoted from dominant lord and master to stupid drudge. There goes your reputation.
So how?
In principle, there are two ways of striking. The first is when the strips all touch the skin at the same time, but not with the tip (more ‘flat’). The second way is when the strips only touch the skin with their tips. The first way feels more like a push. The second way feels more like a sting.
You want to hit only the places you have in mind. You do this repeatedly and with accuracy. To do this, stand firmly with both feet on the ground (feet slightly apart and weight distributed on both feet). Stand straight.
It may help to hold the tails of the flogger with your other hand before striking. Raise your arm and let it fall gently down, releasing the strips with your other hand.
The important thing is that it is a gentle movement of your arm. Did you hit the right spot? If not, move your feet, not your torso. Do not bend forward, do not twist your hips! Move your feet! Only then will you keep the movement simple and be able to coordinate it easily. If you adopt an awkward posture, the chances increase that you will miss, hit the kidneys or that the strips will hit around the waist, neck or shoulder.
If you hit the right spot in the right way, stay that way; upright, proud. The first few strokes are meant to warm up the skin. Now repeat your stroke, but this time with a little more force. Keep repeating this and hit the same spot. And if you want to hit another spot, do not do it by changing your arm or body position, but move your feet.
If you want to apply more force, don’t just let your arm fall down, but accelerate it by tensing your muscles. In this way, you can hit the same spot over and over again without any appreciable effort and thus increase the endorphin level. In this way, you can easily do this for hours. If necessary, practise on a cushion.
Besides the basic technique and knowledge of the body (where NOT to hit), communication is extremely important. You have to feel what you can and cannot do. How far you can go. Agree on a safeword on the basis of which you end the session immediately. Or a code word for harder and softer. In between, check whether the skin is not damaged. Caress the skin and talk to each other. Because the skin is sensitive, a caress can cause a great sensation. Especially the chest is much more sensitive to damage than the back. If you strike the breast(s) at all, do so from the side and not from the top down. When hitting the chest, make sure you don’t cause a ‘wrapper’ (around the corner).
Music can contribute to the atmosphere and setting. Put it on repeat or make sure you have a long playlist. Nothing kills the atmosphere if the music has suddenly ended during the heat of the moment.
Once you have mastered this technique, you can make some variations. Once you have got the hang of it, you can also do circles and figure eights. With figure-eights, for instance, you can slap both buttocks alternately. This way, you can build up the game, starting with some soft strokes to some harder ones. Alternate with soft taps between the legs and harder ones against the buttocks and back. Slow and faster spinning taps.
You can go a step further by using two floggers at the same time.
Interested in a flogger? Check out our full range here.

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