Everyone knows the concept of strip poker. And the idea of losing your clothes in a playful way (or getting your partner to undress) appeals to everyone’s imagination. But do you know the rules of strip poker? No? Then why would you limit yourself to this card game? You can actually turn any game into a strip game. How? Read more!
Why and how to play strip games?
If you and your boyfriend, girlfriend, friends, or girlfriends want to get naked in a hilarious way, you might sometimes need a reason. The chance that you will undress spontaneously is quite small, even if someone – possibly after consuming some alcohol – nicely requests.
Of course it is the intention that you do strip games with people with whom you feel completely at ease. That can be your group of friends, or just 1 on 1 with your partner.
Whatever strip game you play, make sure you determine the rules in advance. It is also fair that all players wear about the same number of items of clothing. You can also group items of clothing (for example, shoes is one item, just like socks).
Create a good atmosphere. If necessary, put down some blankets or burn the fireplace well. Close the curtains. And have fun.
Strip poker
First of all, the classic. This is a variant of the poker card game. You play strip poker with 2 to 6 people. The Texas Hold ‘Em variant is usually used. You use garments instead of chips. The last person to wear a piece of clothing has won.
Strip Monopoly
Monopoly is also a game that you play with 3 to 6 people. You play the strip variant according to the same rules as normal. Only if the player runs out of money – the player may also put items of clothing for auction. Or you make a list in advance with the value of different items of clothing (panties are $10,000).
Nude Twister

This game becomes more fun the more losers there are. Consider how you will have to squeeze naked in all kinds of positions in order to still hit the right dots. Do I hear someone say ‘left hand on the pink dot’?
Strip Jenga
There are already drinking games based on Jenga. They are often called ‘drunken tower’ or something of that kind. In that case there are commands written on the wooden blocks, such as ‘all the girls take a sip’. Well, the idea of strip Jenga is just as simple. You write all kinds of commands on the blocks of a Jenga game. The trick is to place the blocks in such a way that you cannot read what is on them. Agree in advance what the consequence will be if you knock over the pile, for example that you have to pull everything off, or that you have to kiss the person to the left for 2 minutes.

Strip Yahtzee
Believe it or not, there are special ‘strip-yahtzee’ score cards that you can print for a fun night of dice. In the score card on the right, for example, you have to take off your shoes if you don’t throw one. And with 5 ones, all others must take off their shoes. And so on.
Strip Batleship
The idea is simple: every time a ship sinks, the owner of that ship loses a piece of clothing. Of course the size of the ship determines which item of clothing it concerns. With small ships you lose tops (shirts, blouses, bras) and with large ships the pants and underpants go out. You can liven up the game by also linking each hit to an action (for example, drinking a shot, or giving a kiss in a place where the other person has just lost a ship, or – if no ship has yet been lost – on the mouth).
Strip checkers or chess
Are you more of strategy games person, with two players, then you can even get rid of clothes in chess and checkers. Have you lost a stone? Then a piece of clothing comes off!
You can also exchange the checkers for chocolates, or for shot glasses (filled – duh), or you can write commands on the bottom.
Nude Pictionary
The idea is exactly the same as with the Pictionary drawing game, but now completely different. You do not use pen and paper, but you draw with your fingertips on the back of the other person. Not correct? Then you have to take off a piece of clothing.
Strip Ludo (or any other old fashioned board game for that matter)
Every time you throw a player off the board, they must also remove a piece of clothing. Also consider what the assignment is if someone gets a pawn in the ‘garage’. Or write commands on squares of the game of goose.
Strip Trivial Pursuit
This game has many dimensions, which you can use for sexy variants. Connects any color to an item of clothing. If you have a question of that color wrong, you have to take off that item of clothing. Or, connect any color with a sex toy. If you have acquired that color, you can use that sex toy on your partner.
Strip Uno
Even a simple children’s card game like Uno can be adjusted so that it becomes 18+. For example, instead of ‘skip a turn’ or ‘take 2 cards’ you can also make ‘take everything off’ or ‘take off 2 pieces of clothing’.
Strip Pick-up-sticks
Every time the sticks move you have to take something off. And if you can grab a stick without the other moving, you can give your partner an assignment.
Are you afraid that you will never be able to play an innocent game with your in-laws, because you involuntarily have to think about that exciting night every time you bring out the Monopoly? There are also plenty of erotic games available.
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the Nude twister should be very funny I suppose ;)