We often talk about anal sex and with that the subject of pre-cleaning always comes up sideways. For many people, thorough cleaning before anal sex is an absolute must, so it’s a topic we want to take a closer look at. After all, what is an anal douche? Is it actually necessary? Is it safe? What should you think about and how should you do it? Below we share the experiences of some people who do it, in the hope and expectation that others can learn something from it.
Poop and sex don’t mix for many people
One of the main reasons why people (M/F) do not want to engage in anal sex is because they associate the anus with filth. After all, the anus is the outlet where poop comes out, and for many people, poop is not something they wish to associate with sex. People who want to do anal sex games often want to make sure they are not going to encounter any unexpected surprises. Accidents can happen. That’s perfectly natural. And when that happens, it’s best to just wash up and move on. You can’t control everything in life.
However, you can reduce the chances of accidents.
What is an anal douche / enema?
Simply put, an anal shower is a way to run (a little) water into the body. This can be for medical or hygienic reasons. An anal shower is also sometimes called an enema or an enema. An anal shower is a simple way to flush your bowels. An anal shower is also called an “intimate shower,” but that is a somewhat broader term that also includes vaginal showers. Below we will mainly describe how to use intimate showers for the rear entrance.
There are roughly three types of anal showers:
Anal shower with ball. These are the most common, the cheapest and the simplest anal showers. They usually consist of two parts: a ball that you can squeeze (usually made of silicone or rubber) and a pipe that you can insert. The idea is to fill the ball with lukewarm water. Then you put the nozzle on it and insert it. Then you squeeze the ball which causes the water to run into your bowel. Such anal showers cleanse a bit shallower (depending on the length of the pipe). Anal showers with ball are available for less than €20, but we recommend going for a silicone anal shower. These are easy to clean and feel comfortable.
There is a wide range of anal showers with ball and they come for less than €20. They are great for beginners.Douche kits: If you prefer to clean thoroughly, then a shower kit might be for you. There are lots of different kits for sale. What they all have in common is that you have to connect them to your shower or bath faucet. The advantage of such a connection is that you can control what the temperature should be and how hard you let the water flow. Another advantage is that you cannot “suck back” the water which can happen with an anal shower with ball. You also clean much deeper this way, because of the constant pressure on the water. On the other hand, you have to be extra careful. You can easily use too much pressure or too hot water. It is advisable to choose a model that has the ability to control the water flow. Be careful with such anal showers if the water temperature or water pressure is not constant.
This type of enema is especially suitable for people who want very regular deep cleansing (for example, if you want to experience deep penetration, such as fisting or large/long dildos). With some practice, they are very easy to use. Cleaning this type of anal shower is a bit trickier. If you want a continuous connection then Clean Stream’s enema set (pictured) is very convenient. This one comes with a connector with tap, allowing you to choose whether the water goes to your shower head or to the enema.Water bags: This type of enema is a combination of the ball and shower varieties. The idea is that you fill a pouch or reservoir with warm water and hang it on a hook. Attached to the reservoir is a long hose with a pipe that, again, goes into the anus. Almost always there is some kind of tap on it that allows you to control the water flow a little bit. The advantage of the water bags, as with the ball, is that they are easy to carry around. The relative disadvantage of this type is that at some point you will have to change the bag.
Pictured is the Ergoflo Pro (€89.95) from PerfectFit that comes with several attachments.
Is that really necessary?
Whether an anal douche is necessary, or not, opinions differ on that. In general, it is not necessary to clean yourself inside. Unless you are sick, your body is perfectly capable of cleaning itself. Therefore, for many people, before (anal) sex, it is enough to shower and wash externally with water and some mild soap. Soap is not even necessary. In fact, some types of soap can even cause irritation at the anus. Therefore, take a soap “for sensitive skin,” or something without too many chemical ingredients and perfumes. In general, it should be enough to rinse yourself with some water after you defecate.
If you are (temporarily) on a diet with a little less fiber and your stool is a little thinner or stickier, an anal douche can clean just a little extra.
So it is definitely not necessary. Your bowels will continue to fill with stool and after you poop, your bowels will be empty again. But it can give a little extra clean feeling. Of course there are also people, who just find an anal douche horny (to give and/or receive).
Is it safe?
As with almost everything, you have to keep your wits about you with anal douche. An occasional anal douche (for example, because you want to play anal sex games for once) can’t hurt in and of itself. But if you start flushing your bowels excessively after going to the toilet, your digestion and bowel function can become unbalanced. This is because you also flush away the good bacteria, which ensure optimal digestion, with an enema. This gut flora ensures that you absorb important nutrients. If there are medical reasons to use an enema, consult your doctor or specialist first.
If you are healthy, then a bowel shower offers no additional health benefits, other than the peace of mind of being clean. Therefore, listen carefully to your body and use an anal shower in moderation. Even if you have used an anal douche, accidents can occur. After all, your bowels just keep filling up as you eat normally. Everyone has to poop. So if a little poop ever comes out with you, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. You are not a dirty monster, but a normal flesh and blood human being. Wash it off and pick up where you left off.
How to use an anal shower in 7 easy steps?
How to proceed depends on the type of anal shower you use. Since an anal shower with ball is most commonly used by beginners, I think it is best to give those some further explanation.
Step 1: Always make sure you are near a toilet!
Step 2: Always clean the anal shower thoroughly first.
Step 3: Adjust the temperature of the water properly. The water should be slightly warm to the touch (slightly warmer than body temperature). If the water is too hot or too cold, it is not only very unpleasant and painful, it can also lead to internal damage. Fill the ball ONLY WITH WATER. Do not add soap or or other products (unless you want to hurt yourself).
Step 4: Put some lube on the nozzle and around the entrance to your anus. Use a small dot of water-based lubricant if you are using a silicone anal shower. If your shower is metal you can also use silicone-based lube. NEVER use silicone-based lubricant on sex toys made of silicone. This can corrode the material and damage it beyond repair.
Step 5. Put about two-thirds of the pipe inside you. For anal sex (fucking, fingering, licking), it is enough to clean only the last part of your bowels (the rectum). Gently squeeze the ball so that the water runs into you. DO NOT LOSE THE BAL until you have pulled it out of yourself, or you will suck the water (and gunk) back into the ball. Trust me, you don’t want that.
Step 6. You will feel that you are filled and you will get an immediate urge to defecate. Try to hold off as long as you can. Walk around and move your body back and forth a bit. your bowel is a tortuous organ and this is how you flush yourself thoroughly inside. Quickly (but carefully) sit down on the toilet and let the liquid drain out of you. It will feel very strange the first time, but you get used to it pretty quickly. Flush the toilet and repeat the first steps. Why flush? Because then the second time you can see if the liquid is clearer than the first time.
Stap 6. Je zult voelen dat je gevuld wordt en je krijgt direct aandrang om te poepen. Probeer zo lang mogelijk op te houden. Loop wat rond en beweeg je lichaam wat heen en weer. je darm is een kronkelig orgaan en zo spoel je jezelf van binnen goed schoon. Ga snel (maar voorzichtig) op het toilet zitten en laat de vloeistof uit je lopen. De eerste keer zal het erg vreemd aanvoelen, maar dat went vrij snel. Spoel het toilet door en herhaal de eerste stappen. Waarom doorspoelen? OMdat je dan de tweede keer kunt zien of de vloeistof helderder is dan de eerste keer.
- Before using a bowel movement, try to defecate first.
- Sit in the squat position.
- Don’t use too much water. Before you know it you won’t make it to the toilet and then you have to mop …
- Use warm water and plenty of lube. Even the second and third time!
- Use only water, at least if you don’t want to end up in the ER.
- Don’t do it too often. A few times a month is still OK, but more often is bad for your intestinal flora.
- If necessary, use demineralized or distilled water or use a saline solution. You can buy this at the drugstore or you can make it yourself.
- Don’t share your anal douche with others (or get one made of metal and boil it out before anyone else uses it).
- Don’t use drugs to hold up stools. You will get constipation.
- Do not apply a bowel movement to someone who is hanging upside down. This is extremely painful and even dangerous.
- There are also recipes for different liquids you can make yourself to use in a bowel flush.
Anale douche for fun
The anal shower is primarily intended to clean things up from behind. But why shouldn’t you be allowed to have some fun with it, too? Some anal showers have “nozzles” in unusual shapes, for example with bulges, ridges, or the shape of a penis. Especially for advanced players and people who make administering an anal douche part of (BDSM) play or intimate massage, this can make for a particularly pleasurable extension of play.
All items mentioned in this article are for sale in NBRplaza’s Shop while supplies last – price changes reserved.

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