She screams, she moans, she hits her hands to the bed and she puts her nails in your back. But has she cum, or did she just pretend? Should you ask yourself if your girlfriend fakes your orgasms, she probably is. The question is, however, did she have a reason to do so? And would you recognize a female orgasm if it was presented to you on a silver platter? If your answers are respectively ‘yes’ and ‘no’ (or dunno), read on.
The facts
- Faking an orgasm is common. 70% of women and 25% of men admits to have faked their orgasm once.
- 73% of women say they know when their partner fakes, but only 55% of the men say they can do the same. Only 23% of the women say their partners have noticed they faked.
- 95% of the women and 92% of the men say they do not want their partner to fake it.
A dick gets hard. You pull it, suck on it. He ejaculates. Nothing to worry about. Unfortunately it is more difficult in the ladies department. Their genitals are less well visible and unless she squirts, there are not many visible indicators that show she has actually cum. Still, there are some signals that can tell if she actually had an orgasm, or is about to.
Excitement – If she is really excited, her pupils have dilated, her skin will become more pink in the face, neck and breasts, and het breath will accelerate and become irregular. In general her moaning and panting will not be louder, but it will accelerate.
Orgasm – Women can have all sorts of orgasms. From ini-mini-miny little orgasms to entire earth quakes that could last for minutes. In both cases, the muscles around the vagina and the urethra will contract. Sometimes a little, sometimes more intense. Some women will freeze, others will weaken. Some will yell and others will be quiet. But her heart beat accelerates and chances are that she will start to shiver and shake in an uncontrolled manner.
After burner – She will glaze and stare. She will also need some time to catch her breath and it will take a while for her heart beat to return to a normal rate. And the blush on her cheeks will slowly disappear.
And the Oscar for Best Fake Orgasm Goes To…
But how can you tell if she didn’t just act well?
She ALWAYS cums – Very few women can reach an orgasm by penetration alone. So if your buddy brags that his girlfriend cums every time, than she is probably a faker. And all orgasms are different. So if hers are very intense all the time, she is probably acting.
Cum without communication – Some women can cum easily, whatever it is you are doing. But most need very specific stimulation. They orgasm more easily in certain positions, at a certain pace, or on a specific action. If your girlfriend never tells you what she needs in order for her to reach an orgasm (and still cums every time), that is suspicious.
Over the top – What is over the top? There are women who are simply very loud. But if it gets just a little to mechanical, too loud and if the rhythm of her breath and moans does not accelerate, just the noise, than she watched too much porn. She fakes. And she does a poor job at it.
Not synchronized – If her moaning is not in sync with what you do, then somethings wrong. If you stop, but she keeps moaning at the same pace, and with the same intensity, she is running a major scam.
No physical signs – If she shows no physical signs of excitement at all,such as blush on her cheeks, accelerated heart beat, accelerated breath, she is probably faking.
Too fast – There are exceptions, of course. But in general women need 5 to 20 minutes to reach an orgasm. If she cums too fast, she probably just wants to get rid of you.
No recovery – if she cums and immediately jumps out of bed to brush her teeth, she most likely faked. Most women need a couple of minutes to return to planet earth after an orgasm.
Faking. But, why? For gods sake why?
Lying is bad. Basta. Not even with sex. But she does it, anyway. So why is that?
- Your bad at it, but she wants to make you believe that you are great in bed.
- She’s not into it right now, but she doesn’t want to disappoint you, so she does it to get it over with.
- Whatever it is you are doing, she wants you to stop, because it hurts, it is generaly annoying, or she is just tired.
- She has troubles to reach an orgasm with someone else, but she is to embarrassed to admit it.
- She has never experienced an orgasm and she hasn’t got a clue how that would feel.
The last one is more common than you might think. Especially young women have never reached an orgasm and they just do whatever they think is normal and what they have seen in porn. Fortunately, that is getting better, but still. Usually she is just not in the mood or she needs something else than what it is you are doing. Something like when you cook her your first meal and out of politeness she tells you it is delicious, and now you cook her that nasty mac & cheese every time comes to visit you. Hard to come back to that first lie.
What you should do?
If you are pretty convinced that your girlfriend fakes, it kind of depends what you should do. Do you hate that she is lying, or are you insecure about your performance? No one likes to be called a liar, so if you confront her, she will most likely deny. And if you are wrong, you make a big ass of yourself. So if you are in for a big fight, please go ahead and tell her she is faking it.
If you are doubting your performance, do your homework. Improve your techniques. Most women (over 70%) can not reach an orgasm by penetration alone. Search for those special places, like her clit and her G-spot. Use your fingers and your tongue.
If you had successes with other women, be reminded that not all women are the same. Try something else, See what works for her. Take your time. Please her complete body and ask her what her sensitive spots are. Don’t just assume. Put yourself second place and give her the attention she needs and deserves.
On the other hand, it might well be that your girlfriend doesn’t care too much about getting an orgasm. But in that case, she can dispense with those fake orgasms.
In the end you might never know, until she tells you, or shouts it in your face during an argument. But if you think she is a faker, it is time for you to experiment. Show her all you’ve got and give her that toe curling experience. That’ll teach her to fake!
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