Does size matter? And if it does, hoe can you make sure that your penis is as big and erect as possible? A penis pump is one of the means that you can use to get a better erection. But how does it work? And does it actually work? If you want to buy one, what are the things to look for? NBRplaza did the research.
The advantages of a penis pump
Some commercials promise you the moon. It is healthy to be sceptical about them. A penis pump will not make your penis longer, bigger, or larger. But it may to a certain extend increase your size temporarily.
A penis pump increases the blood flow to your penis. That supports healthy tissue and it can help to increase an erection after prostate surgery. Furthermore, a penis pump can help to achieve an erection more easy when you get older. Using a penis pump increases the blood flow of the tissue of the penis. This could decrease the chance of gatting fibroses and improves the chance to have a better erectile function. Men who notice that their nocturnal erections decrease, may wanyt to consider using a penis pump.
In short, a penis pump can help if you have erectile dysfunction. Especially when you don’t want to use erection pils, for whatever reason. But you may want to use erection pumps together with other means. Most men will be able to achieve an erection with help of a penis pump that is good enough for penetrative sex. The risks are relatively low as are the costs (somewhere between €20 and €120).
Healthy men can also use a penis pump, because it may increase your erection. Just like it can be great to use erection pils for recreation, it can also be fun to use a penis pump.
What is a penis pump?
A penis pump is meant to help a man get an erection and to hold that erection for a longer period of time. Such pumps exist of two parts:
- a cylinder that goes over the penis
- a vacuum pump. The pump can be manual or electrical.
To use the pump, place the cylinder over the penis. Use the pump to suck the cylinder to a vacuum. The vacuum will cause the blood to get flow into the penis, that immediately results in an erection. Then remove the cylinder. It is wise to use a cock ring to make sure the blood doesn’t flow back. This way you can hold your erection for a longer time.
Erectile dysfunction after a prostatectomy
A radical prostatectomy is a form of surgery in which the entire prostate and the seminal vesicles will be removed. That is sometimes necessary when you have prostate cancer. Sometimes it is possible to save the nerves and blood vessels that are of importance to achieve an erection. But sometimes men get erectile dysfunction as a result of a prostatectomy. It may be difficult or even impossible to get an erection, of the penis is smaller than before.
There have been some scientific studies that claim that a penis pump can help to improve the erectile dysfuction after a prostatectomy. We strongly recommend you consult your physician. He can also prescribe erection pills, like Viagra or Cialis. Some studies claim that the combination of erection pills and a penis pump, improves the erectile function after a prostatectomy.
Do you get a bigger penis by using a penis pump?
When you use a penis pump, you probably get a longer or thicker penis. But this effect is only temporarily. Men that say they have a bigger penis by using a penis pump three to five times a week for 20 minutes per session, will lose this advantage immediately when they stop using the pump. Their penis will go back to the size it had before they started using the pump. The only way to get a permanent bigger penis is by surgery.
So don’t count on a bigger penis by using a penis pump.
How to pick the right penis pump?
There are mainly two types of penis pumps: manual and electronic. Many beginners choose a manual pump, because they have a better control. If you know how far you can go, you may want to choose an electronic one.
Manual pumps usually have some kind of pressure ball. These are very easy to use and quite robust. Electronic pumps are usually battery operated. A special penis pump is the hydro pump. They use water to achieve a vacuum.
Pay attention to the following, when you want to buy a penis pump:
- Always use a transparent cylinder. This way you can see what happens with your penis while you increase the vacuum. Pay attention to discoloration. Stop if your penis becomes red.
- Choose a cylinder that fits the size of your penis. This seems an open door, but many men choose a penis pump that is too big. You run the risk of creating a vacuum that is too intens, which may cause bleeding. In a cylinder that is too small, your penis has insufficient space to grow. Measure your penis and compare the results with the manufacturer’s specifications.
- If you consider using the pump in the shower or bath, you may want to choose a hydro pump.
- Rather use a more expensive pump that has a gauge that measures the pressure. If the pressure is to big, you run the risk of injuries. If the pressure is too low, nothing might happen.
- Have a penis pump that looks robust. It is your penis that you will stick into that thing! You don’t want to run any risks with that.
- A penis pump works best if you are well shaved. It will create a better vacuum (no falls air).
- Use the penis pump in combination with a cock ring, to make sure the erection doesn’t diminish soon after.
- An erection is caused by sexual arousal and hormonal changes. However, an erection that is caused by a penis pump, is mechanical. That might feel different (for a start, because you are not turned on) .
- Don’t over use the penis pump. You may damage swelling tissue, get bruised or cause a bleeding (blood vessels may burst because of the pressure)/ That will have the opposite effect of what you want to achieve (namely that you won’t be able to get an erection at all. Ever.).
Penis pumps we recommend
We haven’t tried all penis pumps out there, but we did read hundreds of reviews. From these reviews, these are the best penis pumps:
Bathmate Hydropump
The Bathmate Hydropump is a penis pump that uses water from the shower or your bath to increase the penis! While other pumps use air to create a vacuum, the Bathmate does so with water. Place the cylinder over you penis, for example while you sit in the bathtub. By pushing the cylinder to the belly, the air will flow out (through the valve on top). The cylinder will fill with water. By making a pumping movement, you will push out the redundant air and water. This will cause the vacuum that is more evenly distributed. This makes it a lot safer. You can use this device in the shower, bath or dry. You can use it in your daily routine under the shower.
There are many different Bathmate Hydropumps. And there are different sets with all kinds of accessories. The Bathmate starts at €79,95.
CalExotics transparent manual pump
This is a very powerful, seamless, transparent pump of CalExotics. The cylinder contains the measurements, so you can actually see the results. Stick your penis in the ring and squeeze the pump. The tube can be removed without losing the vacuum. On the cylinder there is a valve to let out the air and decrease the pressure quickly. The ring is removable, which makes it easy to clean.
The CalExotics penis pump is available at €139,95.
View all penis pumps in our assortiment.
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The average penis size its 6 inches (15cm) on length and 5 inches(12.6cm) on circumference. There is an estimation that almost 90% of males on the world have this average size. About 75% of woman desire penis sizes bigger than the average. Penis size really matters, both for the visual stimulation, as for the physical stimulation. A big sized penis draws attention, provokes desire and satisfy more easily to women, bringing a more successful experience for you and your partner. Penis pumps work by creating tension in the penis through vacuum, which makes the penis to get expanded on all directions. It has been proved that penis pumps enlarge the penis, but only during a few minutes after the use of the suction pump. It can produce scars, bruises and painful anathemas. [commercial link removed]