Last year an anime version of the manga comic Demon Slayer (Kimetsu no Yaiba) was released in Japan. The story follows Tanjiro Kamado, a young boy who becomes a demon murderer after his family is slaughtered and his younger sister Nezuko turned into a demon. But Japan wouldn’t be Japan if it didn’t include porn parodies and sex toys.
First came a porn parody of Demon Slayer featuring Mitsuki Nagisa. OK, I get that. But now Tama Toys, manufacturer of sex toys, has also made a masturbator inspired by the manga series.
The Kimetsu no Yaeba Fangs masturator capitalizes on the immense popularity of yaeba (dentures with fangs) in cosplay. Teenagers complete their vampire look with these fangs.
Tama Toys has now combined this into a masturbator in the form of a mouth with fangs. Hopefully she doesn’t bite, this mouth of the series sister, Nezuko Kamado.
In addition to the mouth and teeth, the toy also has a tongue that you can pull out. Let’s just say, everyone has their kink.
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